Japanese (日本語)

travel phpto to inspire Japanese language study
Photo by Redd Angelo on Unsplash


Why learn Japanese?

International travel is made easier and more pleasant when you know Japanese. Four out of five new jobs in the US are created as a result of foreign trade. Communication skills developed while learning Japanese can improve your interpersonal skills in your native langauge as well. Studying Japanese offers a sense of the past: culturally and linguistically.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Japanese?

Japanese is rated as a category 4 language by the Foreign Service Institute. It is considered exceptionally difficult for English speakers to learn and takes an average of 88 weeks (or 2200 class hours) to gain professional working proficiency.

Japanese Alphabet & Pronunciation



















































































































































Basic Phrases in Japanese

Helloこんにちは (Kon'nichiwa)
Goodbyeさようなら (Sayōnara)
Yesはい (Hai)
Noいいえ (Īe)
Excuse meすみません (Sumimasen)
Pleaseお願いします (Onegaishimasu)
Thank youありがとうございました (Arigatōgozaimashita)
You are welcomeどういたしまして (Dōitashimashite)
Do you speak english英語を話せますか? (Eigo o hanasemasu ka?)
Do you understandわかりますか? (Wakarimasu ka?)
I understandわかります (Wakarimasu)
I do not understandわかりません (Wakarimasen)
How are youお元気ですか? (Ogenkidesuka?)
Fine thanks元気です、ありがとう! (Genkidesu, arigatō!)
What is your nameお名前は何ですか? (Onamaehanandesuka?)
My name is私の名前は (Watashinonamaeha)
Pleased to meet you会えてうれしいよ (Aete ureshī yo)

Japanese Grammar

Japanese Nouns

Manおとこ (O toko)
Woman女性 (Josei)
Boy男の子 (Otokonoko)
Girl女の子 (On'nanoko)
Catネコ (Neko)
Dog (Inu)
Fish (Sakana)
Water (Mizu)
Milkミルク (Miruku)
Egg (Tamago)
House (Ie)
Flower (Hana)
Tree (Ki)
Shirtシャツ (Shatsu)
Pantsズボン (zubon)

Japanese Adjectives

Colors in Japanese

Black (Kuro)
White白い (Shiroi)
Red (Aka)
Orangeオレンジ (Orenji)
Yellow (Ki)
Green (Midori)
Blue青い (Aoi)
Purple紫の (Murasakino)
Pinkピンク (Pinku)
Grayグレー (Gurē)
Brown褐色 (Kasshoku)

Numbers in Japanese

Zeroゼロ (Zero)
One (Ichi)
Two (Ni)
Three (San)
Four (Shi)
Five (Go)
Six (Roku)
Seven (Nana)
Eight (Hachi)
Nine (Kyū)
Ten (Jū)
Eleven十一 (Jū ichi)
Twelve十二 (Jū ni)
Twenty二十 (Nijū)
Thirty三十 (Santo)
Forty四十 (Yoto)
Fifty五十 (Goji tsu)
Sixty六十 (Rokuju tsu)
Eightyはちじゅう (hatiziu)
Ninety九十 (Kujū)
Hundred (Hyaku)
Thousand (Sen)

Japanese Verbs

To beすることが (Suru koto ga)
To have持つため (Motsu tame)
To want欲しい (Hoshī)
To need必要とする (Hitsuyō to suru)
To help助けるために (Tasukeru tame ni)
To goトーゴ (Tōgo)
To come来る (Kuru)
To eatたべる (Taberu)
To drink飲む (Nomu)
To speak話す (Hanasu)

Building Simple Sentences

More Complex Japanese Sentences

Andそして (Soshite)
Orまたは (Matawa)
Butだが (Daga)
Becauseなぜなら (Nazenara)
With (To)
Alsoまた (Mata)
Howeverしかしながら (Shikashinagara)
Neitherどちらでもない (Dochira demonai)
Norまた (Mata)
Ifもし (Moshi)
Thenその後 (Sonogo)

Useful Japanese Vocabulary

Japanese Questions

Who (Dare)
What (Nani)
Whenいつ (Itsu)
Whereどこ (Doko)
Whyなぜ (Naze)
Howどうやって (Dō yatte)
How many幾つ (Ikutsu)
How muchいくら (Ikura)

Days of the Week in Japanese

Monday月曜 (Getsuyō)
Tuesday火曜日 (Kayōbi)
Wednesday水曜日 (Suiyōbi)
Thursday木曜日 (Mokuyōbi)
Friday金曜日 (Kin'yōbi)
Saturday土曜日 (Doyōbi)
Sunday日曜日 (Nichiyōbi)
Yesterday昨日 (Kinō)
Today今日 (Kyō)
Tomorrow明日 (Ashita)

Months in Japanese

January一月 (Ichigatsu)
February二月 (2Gatsu)
March行進 (Kōshin)
April四月 (4 Tsuki)
May五月 (Gogatsu)
June六月 (6Gatsu)
JulyLuglio (7Gatsu)
AugustAgustus (Hachigatsu)
September九月 (9Gatsu)
October十月 (10 Tsuki)
November十一月 (11 Tsuki)
December十二月 (12 Tsuki)

Seasons in Japanese

Winter (Fuyu)
Spring (Haru)
Summer (Natsu)
Autumn (Aki)

Telling Time in Japanese

What time is it今何時ですか? (Imananjidesuka?)
Hours時間 (Jikan)
Minutes (Bu)
Seconds (Byō)
O clock
Halfハーフ (Hāfu)
Quarter past四半期 (Shihanki)
Before (Mae)
After (Ato)